Content Management Systems (CMS)
A tool for managing content, usually on a Web site, that separates the design, interactivity, and content from one another to make it easier for content authors to provide content.
Ecommerce (Online Trading)
Ecommerce, e-commerce, or electronic commerce is the conduct of a financial transaction by electronic means. With the huge success of commerce on the Internet, ecommerce usually refers to shopping at online stores on the World Wide Web, also known as ecommerce Web sites. Ecommerce can be business to business (B to B) or business to consumer (B to C).
Blogs, Articles and Social Media Sites
Blogs - A frequent, chronological publication of personal/promotional thoughts and Web links.
Articles - A literary composition, forming an independent portion of a magazine, newspaper, or cyclopedia.
Social Media Networking - sites based on user participation, user interaction and user-generated content. Examples include social networking sites like LinkedIn, Facebook, or My Space, social bookmarking sites like, social news sites like Digg or Simply. A lot of distracting hype surrounds social media - the commercial value of the genre is still largely unproven and it is all too easy to be lead astray by "buzzspeak" and marketing waflle..
Animated Interactive Sites
Flash traditional and 3D animation or HTML5 based web designs consisting of:
Animations - from motion tweening to character or mechanical animations, for banners, adverts, cartoons, and much more.
Interactive sites - Allowing for the user/viewer to be able to interact with a sites content and navagation experience, allowing for mouse movements or buttons to interact with the web sites content, game, adverts or even web site theme and style.
3D - Design and animation of 3d objects, enviorments and characters for advertising, product designs and interactive web sites. Design and Created using 3d MAX/ Adobe After effects / Adobe Premiere / Sony Vegas Pro and many more.
Designed using ever Adobe Flash, HTML5 or JS to allow for animated or interaction between site and user/viewers.
MySQL, Postgres, MS Database Development
Database design creation and management, available with front & backend development and query creations, with backup systems, reports and much more..
Advanced Coding - PHP - Perl - HTML - HTML5 - Java - Python - Mason - JS - CSS
Our experienced programming team uses the latest (tried and tested) systems and technology combined with the latest forms of programming codes, to create the most advanced online sites and experiences.